A word from Senior Teacher, Examinations

A word from Senior Teacher, Examinations



Moi Primary School – Kabarak believes in systematic delivery of content to learners of all levels of Education. Once this is extensively done, there comes a need to evaluate the depth. of content delivery and acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes. This is realized through administration of exams and assessments.

Exams and assessments are run by a competent Examination Council headed by the senior teacher, examinations who overseas, purchase, administration, marking, compilation, release and awarding of learners at all levels of learning.

Due to the dynamics in the Education system, Moi Primary School has had the  privilege to evaluate both 8:4:4 and competency Based Curriculum. In both systems, evaluation is done formatting and summatively.  In CBC system of education, key attention is given to individual learners to exploit their potential. For example, in practical to learning areas, the school has put aside special facilities to help learners realize the demands of the syllabi. In agriculture, there is a special garden set aside for farming where different crops are grown by learners under the guidance of teachers. Learners are also provided with necessary protective devices while attending to this particular practical’s. This also applies to Home science, Art, Craft and Music. These activities can be recorded in vedio form and later sent to parents.

After assessments, pupils’ work is kept in different portfolios. These are:

  1. Working portfolios
  2. Showcase portfolios
  3. Assessment portfolios

In 8:4:4, giant steps have been made over the last few years. Kabarak Primary School has been in the headlines for the exemplary performance for years now. These academic achievements are attributed to several factors. To begin with, we appreciated the administration led by Mr. Nelson Kiptoo (Headteacher) for his unwavering support to ensure that teaching and learning materials are provided for effective evaluation. We thank the staff for administering and marking of exams timely. We appreciate learners for undertaking exams independently with lots of diligence. Lastly, glory, honour and majesty goes to God Almighty for giving us a peaceful environment for learning and evaluation. We will endeavor to make Kabarak a hub for academic excellence both for 8:4:4 and C.B.C systems of education. This is the place to be, ‘On Earth We Rise’.